Brain Health

7 Ways Cycling Benefits Your Mental Health

It’s no secret that cycling regularly provides a wealth of benefits for our physical health. It helps build muscle strength and flexibility, aids weight loss and improves overall cardiovascular fitness. However, many of us don’t think about the impact cycling can have on our mental health. With an average of 25 percent of the UK population experiencing a mental health problem every year, it’s clear we need to find ways to tackle the taboo. Here, E-bikes Direct, share with us the benefits cycling has on mental health and how it can have a positive impact on those suffering with mental health problems.

1. Stress relief

The world today is filled with things that make us stressed. Whether it is a hard day in the office, financial burdens or a nightmare commute. Stress can cause physical problems such as back pain and tension headaches, but it also has a huge impact on your mental wellbeing. Stress can cause anxiety and depression and can make it really difficult to just switch off and relax. Cycling reduces the level of cortisol in your body, which is known as the stress hormone. Getting out of the same old routine is a great way to make you feel relaxed and refreshed.


2. Confidence boost

Cycling releases serotonin, a mood neurotransmitter that is known for enhancing good feelings, self-esteem and self-confidence. Set yourself cycling challenges such as climbing a tough hill; achieving these goals will leave you feeling powerful, strong and generally positive about yourself. In addition to all this, cycling regularly will improve your physical health which will help ease some of your medical concerns.

3. Sleep well

Exercise from cycling encourages the healthy release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) into your blood stream during sleep. HGH helps your body to fall into a proper sleep, and a boost from cycling can help those who find it difficult to drift off. Cycling will also leave your body physically exhausted which will aid sleep.

4. A natural high

Regular exercise and cycling increases the level of endorphins in your body. These endorphins are chemicals that help us feel good and trigger a positive reaction within our minds and bodies. Studies show that cycling for just 10 minutes releases enough endorphins to help us feel happier and more positive. Better yet, regular cycling will trigger a consistent flow of endorphins to help you keep your mood up constantly. As well as being great for emotions and battling mental health, endorphins can help fight other illnesses such as Alzheimer’s.

5. A natural medication

For those who often find themselves feeling low, regular cycling can act as a natural mood-booster. By no means a replacement for medication, cycling can work alongside mental health treatment to promote a feeling of well-being and a sense of calm. Cycling releases dopamine and serotonin which, although not yet proven, is believed to be beneficial for preventing the chance of depression.

6. Get outdoors

For those suffering from mental health issues, often staying indoors can make matters worse. Getting outside into nature and sunshine can work wonders for those battling depression and anxiety; combine this with exercise and you are onto a winner. Taking part in outdoor physical activity such as cycling is associated with increased energy, positive engagement, feeling revitalised and decreased tension and stress levels. Getting out and about into nature can also be great for giving you a new perspective and change of scenery. Getting yourself an electric bike will give you the opportunity to get out into nature and improve your health. Providing many of the same benefits as regular cycling but allowing you to travel greater distances and keep going for longer.

7. A healthier commute

Sitting in traffic or on a packed commuter train on a daily basis only increases stress levels and negatively impacts your mental health. Ditching the car or train and opting to take an electric bike to the office is a great way to start the day. You will arrive at the office feeling refreshed, positive and ready for the day ahead. Cycling on an electric bike to work will not only leave you feeling great, it will also help you keep hold of your hard earned cash by saving money on fuel, tax and insurance.

Whilst a lot of these benefits on mental health can be achieved from a range of different types of exercise, an electric bike is an excellent place to start. It is low-impact, aerobic exercise with the added benefit of an electric motor to help you on your way. It can also be used as a mode of transport, making it practical to fit into your life. Cycling can be done in small stints or long rides, and for those suffering with mental health, sometimes the thought of doing anything at all can be overwhelming. Start with short, leisurely rides and don’t set any unrealistic targets. Once you start getting into a cycling habit on your electric bike it will become easier and easier.

Think you’ll give cycling a go? Here’s our guide for beginners looking to take the bike to work instead.
