Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and the Heart
The Misconception
Historically, a major concern about testosterone replacement therapy was that it was potentially harmful to the heart. Testosterone has traditionally been regarded as a hormone that is harmful to the heart.
Why the Misconception?
This misconception stems from the belief that testosterone causes heart disease. Additionally, the high doses of testosterone used by bodybuilders can damage the heart, leading to a variety of diseases and often necessitating surgery to correct one or more problems.
Based on certain research reviews, physiological doses (replacement doses) of testosterone do not equate to a higher risk of atheroscelorosis or coronary artery disease.1-3 Other reviews conclude that treating a healthy man with normal replacement doses of testosterone is as likely to reduce coronary artery disease, as it is to increase it.4-7 However, no high-quality, randomized controlled trials have been performed to definitely determine the effect of TRT on heart disease risk.
Concerns about cardiovascular side effects should not prevent you from considering testosterone replacement therapy. The decision to begin TRT should be made after thoughtful consideration and discussion with your physician. And, once you have begun TRT, your physician should closely monitor your cardiovascular health.