Quantitative Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males (qADAM) Questionnaire
The following quantitative ADAM questionnaire assesses whether or not you should ask your doctor about low testosterone.
Question |
Answer |
1) How would you rate your libido (sex drive)? |
Terrible |
Poor |
Average |
Good |
Excellent |
2) How would you rate your energy level? |
Terrible |
Poor |
Average |
Good |
Excellent |
3) How would you rate your strength and endurance? |
Terrible |
Poor |
Average |
Good |
Excellent |
4) How would you rate your enjoyment of life? |
Terrible |
Poor |
Average |
Good |
Excellent |
5) How would you rate your happiness level? |
Terrible |
Poor |
Average |
Good |
Excellent |
6) How would you rate your work performance over the past 4 weeks? |
Terrible |
Poor |
Average |
Good |
Excellent |
7) How would you rate your sports ability over the past 4 weeks? |
Terrible |
Poor |
Average |
Good |
Excellent |
8) How strong are your erections? |
Very Weak |
Weak |
Average |
Strong |
Very Strong |
9) How often do you fall asleep after dinner? |
Every Night |
5-6 week |
3-4 week |
1-2 week |
Never |
10) How much height have you lost? |
2” or more |
1.5-1.9” |
1.0-1.4” |
0.5-0.9″ |
None |
External Links
International Journal of Impotence