Healthy Mind

Self-care: On A Budget

Although we’re big advocates of the mantra ‘treat yourself’, looking after your wellbeing can seem like an expensive habit. In fact, in America alone, the self-improvement industry represents an eye-watering $10 billion per year, so it’s not surprising we’re more often associating care with cash. However it needn’t be this way. “For me, self care is a mindset and it doesn’t have to mean spending loads of money to achieve it,” says motivational speaker Kitty Waters ( “Of course, we all like spa days and getting our nails done but don’t let your finances stand in the way of your self love. Rather than think of the money you need to spend in the perfect self care activity, carve out time each day to connect inward. A daily meditation practice can make a huge difference. Self care comes in many forms, including the food you eat. Nourishing yourself with healthy food and positive thoughts is part of it too!

Praise your body and yourself daily for the things you do, and be kind to yourself when you look in the mirror. People mistakenly think of self care as just their overall outside appearance, but mastering your inner voice is crucial to this too, so train it to be loving and feel the shift.” There are many ways to master this mindset. Life and wellness coach Elisabetta Franzoso ( suggests the following ways of low-cost, nurturing self care practices you can add to your daily routine. “The most important thing is that we learn what activities nurture us in all four dimensions of wellbeing – physical, intellectual, emotional and relational,” she says. “Having a self care practice is to show up for yourself, give yourself that time in the day for you and do so consistently.”

You could…

  • Make a list of what you are grateful for by hand or in your mind. Really allow those feelings of gratitude and warmth permeate your body and mind. You can do this while you sip on your morning coffee, so it won’t take much time from your day.
  • Turn to a random page from a self-help, inspiring or motivational book you have at hand and pick a quote or a paragraph by chance. Read it to yourself, really taking the message in.
  • Listen to relaxing music and meditate, focusing on your breath and yourself. Scan your body, you might be surprised how little time you give to asking various parts how they feel.
  • Write out your goals and dreams and take time to visualise them. Focus on how you would feel if you were already living them out and much like gratitude, let this excitement and drive flow through your body.
  • Watch a video or talk on a topic of interest, or even a completely random subject! It’s fun to take time to learn new things when we’re so used to rushing around our daily lives.
  • Create a space in your home where you can light some candles. In the morning, light your space up and take time to write in a journal. Let the words come out in a stream of consciousness.
  • Get your DIY hat on and make some homemade, natural face masks. Mix together a few tablespoons of plain yoghurt, two tablespoons honey and one banana for a moisturising treat.
  • Create a sanctuary in your bathroom with candles and oils and take a relaxing bath with some music that inspires you. Better yet, do some visualising while you’re in there.

Health & Wellbeing