5 Easy Ways To Stay Motivated If You’re Self-Isolating
Gyms, fitness boutiques and yoga studios have all closed their doors due to the recent government lock down, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t reach your goals if you’re self-isolating.
Home workouts, daily walks and virtual classes have provided a form of escape for many people and, while it’s great that a lot of us are keeping up our regular exercise, motivation is bound to fall by the wayside.
“Staying motivated can be difficult at the best of times, but with all the doom and gloom around us, it can be even harder to find that ‘get up and go’,” says international fitness instructor and personal trainer Jeff Kloepping.
“One way that people are battling through is with fitness and exercise. Whether that’s using their allotted time outside to go for a run or enjoying a home workout, it’s a great way to pass the time and keep positive.
“Regular exercise is especially vital at this time as it’s proven to increase your mood and mental outlook as well as help to relieve stress and anxiety.”
Here is his advice and top tips for how you can stay motivated in isolation and keep fit, healthy and most of all, happy.
Stick to a schedule
Let’s face it, there’s not really a lot in our diaries right now, other than FaceTime catch ups and virtual meetings. To give yourself a boost, make a schedule for when you’re going to be exercising. Once it’s written down, it’s a lot harder to skip or keep putting off for another time. This way you know you’re getting the right amount of exercise to stay on plan.
Try something new
Many people struggle to stay on track when workouts become mundane. This is why I encourage clients to vary their workouts and experiment with different exercise. If you keep it interesting, you’ll look forward to your workout. Now is the best time to try something new and add some excitement to isolation while we can’t get into the gym.
Stay connected
Just because you can’t be together physically it doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your group workout. Exercising as a collective can really help most morale but also accountability; my clients have all said it’s a lot easier to stay in check when they’ve agreed to work out with a friend over video chat as it’s a great way to keep socialising during this isolated time.
Set a different goal
Depending on what you were previously working towards, it may not be realistic in the current situation. Things like training for a marathon or lifting a certain weight without going to the gym may not be possible, but you can set yourself a new goal that will help you achieve in the long run. For example, I’m using this time to do extra stretching and work on increasing my range of motion of certain joints.
Get outside
The current UK guidelines for lock down state that you’re still allowed outside for exercise. Use this opportunity daily, even if it’s just for a walk. Take advantage of the sunlight as there’s endless health benefits, with vitamin D helping your immune system, happiness and overall health.